Upcoming Events

January 1, 2005

Either TSJ events, TSJ-sponsored or other events of interest.

Sustain the Educator Solidarity Network

- Tell your stories through this website, write for TSJ

- This can include anything relevant from the local, national & international. Explore stories of your classroom, school, neighborhood. What do you think about education policies, diversity, human rights?

- Join the Education for Liberation Network's Ning Site and host your own blog, invite other educators to share in the discussions.

Take Action

- Help organize rallies, protests, forums, campaigns.

Share Resources & Curriculum

- Each year dozens of teachers create curriculum & resources and share them at our Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair. It doesn't have to stop there- feel free to connect with TSJ teachers on collaborative projects.

- Email us your favorite research findings, articles, and reports.

Build Community

- We all need support. Talk to us about throwing a movie night or happy hour for educators. Host a dinner & discussion. Share events with us to put on the Calendar!

Study with Teachers for Social Justice

- Teachers for Social Justice are life-long learners. Join one of TSJ's ItAG study groups to learn from other teachers and explore areas you're interested in.

- Help organize an educational event.